31 August 2011


We were meant to understand the national resources of any state/region/country is owned by all the citizens of that region.If that is so then why is income from these resources unevenly distributed? of course to reward those who are perceived to be working harder than others.But an unhappy group would always create a wrath. No wonder John the baptist advised the people to give to those who don't have. If you have two give one out to someone who doesn't have. This is the only thing that can quench the wrath this system of reward is brewing. So until equality is achieved then can we say that the riches belong to all.

29 August 2011


There is nothing more annoying than pressure. It makes you say so much you don't mean. It gives you a hardtime explaining that you didn't really mean it that way. And I have discovered that talking takes more energy than demonstrating. And I believe it is so because a lot of people are hard at listening. So they linearly don't understand. But there is no  greater height of the senses like eyesight. What they eyes sees it believes. There is of course no surer conviction. But this is only because of belief. Belief makes sight possible. But where there is unbelief it means the eye doesn't like what it sees and it closes and tries to have a re-belief. A lack of organisation births incordination. Improper coordination in turn leads to total collapse! Pressure is a force in life. And like most forces in life it is quite neutral allowing it's users to bend it deliberately. It can be used to further a course, kill a dream. It can equally be used to pursue a dream. Either way it is within our control.

27 August 2011


The number one question of a Man who wants to marry a lady or woman is "Are you married? Even if he just wants to have a fling and asks such question it suggests either of two things. One is he's playing cautious and this is a good trait as it means that he is a man not guided by impulse.Two is that he probably likes married women or wants to get even with your husband. The first suggestion shows that he looks before he leaps. A man not guided by impulse is very rational and this interprets his cheating ability in the long run. Even if he is at least he's not just going to be a free for all because he is quite selective. Such men are quite secretive and if you think this is not a good trait then ponder what makes God who he is. If anyone else had this knowledge then God will no longer be God.  More so we live in a competitive environment where information needs to be safeguarded with the utmost security. When you(the woman) is the one asking him about the course of then you are in for a wild spin which could lead you into a confusion that can be quite schizophrenic. And when he replies your question with"well it is in the hands of God" then you should pack and quit the relationship cause he simply ain't serious. Why would a Man place a decision that he can take in the hands of God? What else does he want God to do for him? Generate a woman by his side like he did to Adam? Hell no! And of course we know the consequence of that action when Adam blamed his downfall on the woman that God sent him. So God is not willing to choose a woman for anyone again except it is very important that he does. A man should be able to make his decisions about you in no distant time. I mean he should be able to say if he likes what he sees about you unless he is not really seeing you or you ain't standing in front of him but either way you should leave that relationship if what you have in mind is marriage.

25 August 2011


A separation creates abondonement because it justifies it. It is not immutable because it is avoidable. It fuels secret desires and drives them to an inevitable animation. It would always seem the right thing to do. It would always be the obvious. It becomes a neccessity when you give it that title. 
The only factor we can't alter in our equation of decisions is change. It is extremely exogenous. There is no standstill in Life. Movement demands shifts. Shifts are movement and therefore a change. We make decisions everyday and these create changes in our lives.Changes for the better or for worse.

11 August 2011


Life: PROBLEMS: "Problems for most of us have a negative connotation attached to it. Of course they are! But wait a minute and think about it. It is your att..."

Life: The Race of Life

Life: The Race of Life: "The race in Life is not all about competition. It is not about who comes first or last. Rather it is about finishing the race. The element o..."

Life: Leadership

Life: Leadership: "When we hear this word what readily comes to mind are those at the helm of affairs. We see presidents, religious leaders, Governors etc. A l..."

07 August 2011


When we hear this word what readily comes to mind are those at the helm of affairs. We see presidents, religious leaders, Governors etc. A lot of people dread the word, and this in turn probably explains why we have so few of them. A lot of people prefer to follow. Hiding behind the Leaders in case something goes wrong. But what we fail to see is we are all leaders as well as followers. At every point in time we have people we look up to(Our leaders) and at the same time people who look up to us(Our followers). We are leading everyday whether we are conscious of it or not. So the big and necessary question is where are we leading our followers to and where are our leaders taking us to? The question imposes a sense of responsibility on our conscience. Therefore Leadership demands a lot of responsibilty. When institutions fail it is leadership that has failed. When Institutions succeed it is leadership that has succeeded. We all have our areas of strength or gifting. These are the places we should direct our leadership to. This has nothing to do with our academic qualifications or mastery. It is our natural endowment. As economists will say it is our comparative advantage. It is an area we have leverage in. In other words it is an area we can do more with less. Until people and economies are arranged with this in mind can we begin to see success in all areas of the economy. It is not only a matter of getting the right people in the Bus but more a matter of making sure the right people are in the right seats in the Bus.A true leader leads his/her followers to their areas of strength. He/she assists them in the discovery of their leadership. He serves them their true selves.

02 August 2011

The Race of Life

The race in Life is not all about competition. It is not about who comes first or last. Rather it is about finishing the race. The element of competition is a distraction. Everybody is running their race because everybody has their gifts and everybody has a unique task that can only be completed by the skills that are in-built in them. Orthodox schooling has not done well in this area of human endeavor because they have matched us against ourselves. God never created us to dominate ourselves but rather has created us to dominate the earth and every other living thing apart form ourselves. This is why we always encounter a resistance when we try to lord or govern others by force.We are all Governors in our areas of gifting.