23 May 2015

Gold seeds & Green leaves

And carrying his second daughter, he cried to the heavens............

And the branch of a tree came out from the heavens. it's trunk of Gold.......

 It's leaves dark green....
It's seeds were of Gold and scattered around it. And he picked ONE and put in his mouth....then he awoke

30 October 2014

Roaring Confession

If Roaring is a Sin, the Lion would never go to confession for it. For it makes no sense to confess that which you know you are going to do again and again.  Likewise a Man confessing his nature/purpose to another Man. Even if he does, it could never bring about true redemption. For there should be one great  and last confession backed with a conviction that a recurrence is impossible. Only then can true forgiveness be attracted. True repentance necessitates true forgiveness for true sins.

18 October 2014

I, wisdom dwell with prudence(Proverbs 8:12)-Wisdom is located where great care is taken in a purposeful invention.
She cries out by the Gates, at the entry of the City, at the entrance of the doors.(Proverbs 8:3)- Wisdom has a time within which it can be found. Mostly at the beginnings. Before the decision is made.

The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his way, before his works of old.(Proverbs 8:22).

Because you disdained all my counsel and would  have none of my rebuke. I also would laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes, when your terror comes like a storm, and your destruction comes like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you.(Proverbs 1:25)- Wisdom has a season within which it can be found. Once it is not sought first, it can never be found again. The endeavor would be a groping in the dark. The light(wisdom) is not guiding.