30 July 2011


Problems for most of us have a negative connotation attached to it. Of course they are! But wait a minute and think about it. It is your attempts to solve your problems that have gotten you to where you are presently.Problems are forces that push you towards an end. If they push you to a positive end, then that negative connotation wears out. A force represents a power. And all powers are neutral in creation. In other words they are tools at the beck and call of every individual. They are at your command. We use them without knowing everyday,every second, every minute.Observation like I have always said is key. If we observe we would learn. It increase awareness.When u know the purpose of a product you use it better. So even problems have purposes. Then why have we failed to allow them influence us towards our destiny? All forces are controllable. A force without control is  quite destructive. So forces are supposed to be tamed. Like a first horse ride. You need to know how to treat the horse. There are things you do and it moves. There is something you do and it stops.There would be some resistance at first. But patience, determination and gradual elimination of fears provides confidence. And the fear of falling is reduced by several falls. The fear of falling provides the courage to ride.We stand because we are afraid to fall. Life is wonderful to observe.There is a balance. The negative drives to the positive.That is the transition. That is how environments change.That is when we experience the change. We experience it as individuals,couples,groups etc. It happens within us and outside us. It is all around us. We coexist with change. Changes do not occur easily because we resist it. We always try to fight it. We prefer to remain static. We are the more convinced of this state when our recent experiences have pointed to the negative(e.g a bad experience). But change must happen if we do not obey it. We must experience. We must learn. We must learn our purpose. So that we can accomplish, succeed, excel, or better put fulfill our tasks. When we learn we change before change comes. We become the change. We deliberately exercise our knowlegde to effect a change. We deliberately create it. And if you can create it then you have mastered it. You can't dominate or win in a market that you do not create. All creations have a purpose. The creator is the only one who knows the purpose of every creation. As we create we give birth. Birthing is eternal. It is a force. Therefore it is a problem. And it is so because it can birth something that ensures it's continuity or give birth to an epidemic that works in the opposite direction. Please let us raise no more devils than we can control.

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