29 August 2011


There is nothing more annoying than pressure. It makes you say so much you don't mean. It gives you a hardtime explaining that you didn't really mean it that way. And I have discovered that talking takes more energy than demonstrating. And I believe it is so because a lot of people are hard at listening. So they linearly don't understand. But there is no  greater height of the senses like eyesight. What they eyes sees it believes. There is of course no surer conviction. But this is only because of belief. Belief makes sight possible. But where there is unbelief it means the eye doesn't like what it sees and it closes and tries to have a re-belief. A lack of organisation births incordination. Improper coordination in turn leads to total collapse! Pressure is a force in life. And like most forces in life it is quite neutral allowing it's users to bend it deliberately. It can be used to further a course, kill a dream. It can equally be used to pursue a dream. Either way it is within our control.

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