07 August 2011


When we hear this word what readily comes to mind are those at the helm of affairs. We see presidents, religious leaders, Governors etc. A lot of people dread the word, and this in turn probably explains why we have so few of them. A lot of people prefer to follow. Hiding behind the Leaders in case something goes wrong. But what we fail to see is we are all leaders as well as followers. At every point in time we have people we look up to(Our leaders) and at the same time people who look up to us(Our followers). We are leading everyday whether we are conscious of it or not. So the big and necessary question is where are we leading our followers to and where are our leaders taking us to? The question imposes a sense of responsibility on our conscience. Therefore Leadership demands a lot of responsibilty. When institutions fail it is leadership that has failed. When Institutions succeed it is leadership that has succeeded. We all have our areas of strength or gifting. These are the places we should direct our leadership to. This has nothing to do with our academic qualifications or mastery. It is our natural endowment. As economists will say it is our comparative advantage. It is an area we have leverage in. In other words it is an area we can do more with less. Until people and economies are arranged with this in mind can we begin to see success in all areas of the economy. It is not only a matter of getting the right people in the Bus but more a matter of making sure the right people are in the right seats in the Bus.A true leader leads his/her followers to their areas of strength. He/she assists them in the discovery of their leadership. He serves them their true selves.

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