31 May 2013

Before Marriage.

One of the most important thing to do before getting married is to know yourself. It is only when you know who you are that you can know what you have and penultimately what you need as you'll know what you don't have. It's similar to stock taking in accounting. It is carried out to know what is needed as the exercise reveals what is left or available. The problem with most marriages today is not that stocks are not taken before the consummation. The issue is that they are taken on base things like sex, money, skin color, tribe, religion etc. While these things are not unimportant they remain secondary & ephemeral. Let us take an example: If you marry someone based on the fact the sex is great or the money is available, what happens if tomorrow age reduces the sexual ability or unprecedented events whisk all the money away? But if stock is taken on virtues, the gain is real and more permanent. When an overly patient but scarcely courageous Man marries an impatient lady but overly courageous lady, then there is a Kris-kross gain for both parties. This is why one plus one equals one in marriage. Together they are of full value but separated neither can function optimally. Consequently, Marriage ought to bring about an increment on every side as someone who initially had one hand and acquires an extra hand is supposed to do more than before. This is the basis for marriage and should be in place before consummation.

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