15 April 2012


Every problem they say has a solution. I agree. But I've really x-rayed solutions to most of the societal poblems in history and have been left with a surprising revelation or rather a question? Which solution has not left us with more to do or more cost to bear? So can we really call them solutions? Let's have a few examples:

Generators: The light problem was to be solved with this, but with maintainance and diesel costs I doubt so. Wthat about noise pollution and air pollution costs?

Automobiles: Yes we tavel faster and sometimes in the most amazing level of luxury and comfort but with  accidents, inability to walk a mile, maintainance,fuel scarcity costs, lack of parking spaces and the no of crimes committed to procure one makes me wonder if we are not really better off without them.

Computers: Speedy data processing, life at the click of a mouse it seems this invention has really solved a problem. But if we didn't have computers would we have felt any need for them? I leave the costs of this great invention to your imaginations.

The list is inexhaustive. But what is actually the problem? Did these inventions really solve problems for society or did they convince us in some sort of way that the reasons why they came were actually problems? I can understand the solutions in Medcine but the rate of new diseases and the ones that don't have solutions yet makes me wonder where these solution providers really are when we need them the most and where these new diseases come from? Are they as a result of our new and improved ways of living? Or are they Being manufactured and their solutions controlled? I wish I had answers and my mind won't rest as the conspiracy won't rest.

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