31 October 2011


This is a parable that all should be familiar with. And the assumption is made in this write up. In the biblical recordings there was no indication of an argument between the Father and Son. The Father simply did his son's biddings and let him go. Even if there was an argument the futility of such is expressed in the son having his way at the end of the day. Sometimes we keep nourishing such desires in our heart that overtime it becomes quite impossible to forget them. We can't shake them off until we live it out. When we refuse to hear and believe the truth as spoken or written by others then we now need to experience it ourselves cause only through this way can a genuine conviction be reached. The truth is you can't go far without support. We all need support. Support entails supervision. The Father let the son have his way but he must have kept an eye on him. He had him in his heart all the while and probably had sleepless nites over it. This was evidenced by the fact that he had an expectation. This expectation being that one day this son of his would come back to his senses and return home. Returning home meant knowing that there was no other way out. Because of this expectation he noticed him from afar as he was coming home. This expectation manifested because God said "the expectation of the righteous would never be cut-off". So the expectation was granted or allowed to come to pass, not because it was right in itself but because the Father had a right standing with God.What is Righteousness? A righteous man is a man that obeys the will of God. How do you know the will of God? Observation is the key. His will is everywhere. Seen in the minutest of happenings.Just observe the simplest thing and an understanding would be revealed. And the light would pierce your darkest corners and push your darkness into the background. May this light shine for you in your endeavours.

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