27 March 2012

What is needed

What every individual  needs is the ability to read and understand, then to observe and write in a language understandable to many. The rest is trash.

08 March 2012

Destiny or Purpose

Some say Life is what you make it. Some say your destiny is in your own hands. Some say you write your own destiny by the choices you make and the actions arising from those choices.I totally agree because our conscious efforts are involved. But I don't agree that we really create our destinies cause that would mean that we created ourselves. Now I believe that every creation has a purpose be it positive or negative. Nobody creates for nothing. So also is Man. He was not created for nothing. And as it is for Man so it is for each Man.

  Our level of consciousness has equally triggered my thought to follow a pattern which produces the question: Can we really factor in all the variables that come into play in any particular equation or decison making? And even if we claim to have done so how sure are we that the variables we assigned less weight(minor) to do not have more weight in reality? I say so because the subject matter is deeply subjective and poses some complexity that highly suggests we tread with a lot of caution.

Now I'm a wide reader and in one of the books I read it says and I quote" A man thinketh a way in his heart but the ordering of his steps are of the Lord". If you ask me to interperete this I would tell you that it says no matter how conscious our decisions seem there is a force that influences the actions that consequently follow  which  contradicts our decisions with our actions and this force is very exogenous(i.e outside our control). Let us ponder a while on sacred waters! shall we? God created Man but Man is now threatening him! Was that God's intention? Of course not! So why the result? Because there was an outside influence. A lecturer of mine thought me about an invincible hand that equates Life.Man is naturally selfish and would hardly help people other than himself. God saw this and designed life in such a way that it was inevitable to promote your own good or well-being without doing that of another. My lecturer's typical example was the fact that the Man selling meat to you is not doing so because he wants to do so but is compelled to do so because he gains from it. But at the end he is equally serving you by so doing thereby promoting your well-being as he promotes his. In other words no matter how hard we try we can't be completely selfish!

Now Back to the lecture at hand. Same applies for each decision we make and the actions that follow.So when we say we write our own destinies we are correct but it doesn't happen without an influence that alters the outcome.Just like the destinies of some animals is to be food to Man so is the destiny of some Men to be food for some animals. We don't really have control of our destinies and purpose. A typical example Judas Iscariot was destined to betray Christ. No matter how hard Judas tried I'm very sure he couldn't have averted this. The second thief on the cross was destined to go to Heaven. Yes he stole and murdered but these things were the steps he needed to take to meet christ on the cross. if he hadn't done all these he wouldn't have had that opportunity. I'm sure no matter how hard he too tried he couldn't stop thieving and murdering. But those steps were ordered by the Lord. Then for some their destinies are so important that even if they jumped into turbulent sea they would not drown but rather will be swallowed by a Big Fish that will bring them safely to Land so as to fulfill their purpose.

We can make our own destinies. We can even write it own tablets of stone. But the actual steps we take are influenced by one of the greatest and invincible force Mankind has ever known but is as old as he is in terms of creation. Some Men have been so blessed that the destinies they have chosen to write for themselves have aligned to what God has in mind for them and some have been going against their God-given destinies and thereby have become strugglers in Life. But the destiny of Man is influenced and written by God and just like he can't unsolve the mystery of the woman beside him he can't fathom this influence. It lies outside his existence!

05 March 2012


In my opinion, money is the fifth element of the world after fire. Why? It is indestructible like the other elements. It's dinstinguishing feature compared with the other four elements is that it's creator is visible.
However, money apart from being the fifth element of the world equally has one outstanding emerging characteristic. Money doesn't like staying one place. Though it can be contained but this is not without dire consequences. I have listened with my eyes(observed) how those who try to contain money loose part or all of it or even loos their life in the process. I believe that money like water is a flowing element. A preacher once talked about a Man who was asking God for money while the one in his pocket was equally begging God to deliver him from the hands of the Man. However this Character of money is for the discerner and in line with vilfredo pareto is the domain of the "few".